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SwiftFest Boston '19: Voiceover On

by SwiftFest Boston

SwiftFest Boston 2019 | Voiceover On | Leena Mansour

What you'll learn

In a world obsessed with user experience, how much are we thinking about the experience we provide for users who are visually impaired? Leena Mansour has always strived to make apps accessible, but merely providing access isn't enough. In this talk, Leena will share the findings of an experiment, you will discover good and bad patterns in commonly-used apps, and you will learn what you can do today to bridge some of the common UX gaps.

Table of contents

Voiceover On

About the author

SwiftFest is a conference focused on Swift. Why a fest? Swift is one of the most exciting programming languages released in the past decade. It has a variety of applications starting with iOS and embedded devices and ending with server-side and scripting. For this reason, we want to celebrate! Organized and operated completely by volunteers, SwiftFest offers workshops, talks, and networking with some of the most innovative developers in the Swift community space.

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