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Fundamentals of Storage Virtualization

Every IT professional should have a good understanding of storage virtualization. This course will teach you what storage virtualization is, how it works, and how it can help you and your company.

David Davis - Pluralsight course - Fundamentals of Storage Virtualization
by David Davis

What you'll learn

Are you new to storage virtualization? In this course, Fundamentals of Storage Virtualization, you will learn how storage virtualization works, how it benefits companies, and your options for implementing storage virtualization yourself. You will follow the journey of Wired Brain Coffee Co. as they transition from a traditional SAN/NAS solution to storage virtualization. First, you will learn what storage virtualization is and how it works. Next, you will explore different storage virtualization solutions, learn how to use them, and discover how they can make your life easier. Finally, you will see storage virtualization in action and gain valuable insights on next steps to learn more about storage virtualization. By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of storage virtualization.

Table of contents

About the author

David Davis - Pluralsight course - Fundamentals of Storage Virtualization
David Davis

David has authored over 50 courses for around enterprise data center technologies such as cloud computing, virtualization, and (especially) VMware vSphere.

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