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Stereo Conversion from a 2D Movie to 3D Masterpiece in NUKE

Throughout this NUKE tutorial, we'll delve into the steps required to create a stereoscopic conversion. Software required: NUKE 8.

Sean Amlaner - Pluralsight course - Stereo Conversion from a 2D Movie to 3D Masterpiece in NUKE
by Sean Amlaner

What you'll learn

Throughout this NUKE tutorial, we'll delve into the steps required to create a stereoscopic conversion. This will include understanding the principles of stereo conversion as well as proper depth allocation and choice. Proper conversion workflows will be discussed along with utilization of NUKE's stereo toolset and creation of custom stereo conversion tools within NUKE. By the end of the NUKE training, you'll have a reasonable understanding of stereo principles and be able to create a proper stereo converted image. Software required: NUKE 8.

Table of contents

About the author

Sean Amlaner - Pluralsight course - Stereo Conversion from a 2D Movie to 3D Masterpiece in NUKE
Sean Amlaner

Sean has worked as a Senior Digital Compositor for feature film visual effects studios such as Sony Pictures Imageworks, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Technicolor, Rhythm & Hues, and many others.

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