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Real-time IoT Data Stream Analysis with SQL Server

Explore the power of SQL Server for IoT data. This course will teach you to set up real-time data streams, analyze data with window functions, and create dynamic dashboards.

JS Padoan - Pluralsight course - Real-time IoT Data Stream Analysis with SQL Server
by JS Padoan

What you'll learn

Processing and visualizing real-time IoT data effectively is crucial for making informed decisions in today's fast-paced environments. In this course, Real-time IoT Data Stream Analysis with SQL Server, you’ll learn to set up, analyze, and display streaming data using SQL Server. First, you’ll explore how to configure SQL Server environments for efficient real-time data ingestion. Next, you’ll discover the application of window functions for conducting live analytics on streaming data. Finally, you’ll learn how to create interactive real-time dashboards for visualizing streaming data effectively. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of real-time data stream analysis needed to manage and visualize IoT data streams for actionable insights.

Table of contents

About the author

JS Padoan - Pluralsight course - Real-time IoT Data Stream Analysis with SQL Server
JS Padoan

JS has 20 years of experience in the Microsoft eco-system, more than 35 certs. in Windows Server / .NET / SharePoint / SqlServer / Office365 / PowerPlatform and is aMicrosoft certified trainer since 13 years.

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