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Hierarchical Data Integration and Visualization in SQL Server

by Mohamed Echout

This course will teach you the techniques to manage, integrate, and visualize hierarchical data in SQL Server, transforming complex data relationships into actionable insights.

What you'll learn

Explore hierarchical data using SQL Server and Power BI.

In this course, Hierarchical Data Integration and Visualization in SQL Server, you’ll gain the ability to utilize hierarchical queries and visualization techniques.

First, you’ll explore the concepts of hierarchical data and its significance in business intelligence.

Next, you’ll discover strategies for integrating hierarchical data within SQL Server and using Power BI for visualization.

Finally, you’ll learn how to create dynamic and interactive reports that clearly represent complex data hierarchies.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of management and visualization of hierarchical data needed to deliver impactful business insights with SQL Server and Power BI.

About the author

Meet Mo, a highly experienced software developer with over a decade of experience in AI, machine learning, and software development. He is a passionate and energetic instructor who is committed to making technology accessible and engaging for everyone.

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