- Data
SQL Data Wrangling in Oracle: Table Data
This course describes Oracle functionality useful to the SQL-savvy data analyst, and features topics such as CROSS and OUTER APPLY, using the MODEL feature, using Nested Tables, computing occurrences, generating random numbers, and much, much more.
What you'll learn
This course describes Oracle functionality useful to the SQL-savvy data analyst, and features topics such as ordering your data with NULLs appearing first or last, using FETCH to subset your data, using SAMPLE to randomly sample from a table, using CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY, how to use the MODEL feature to access the rows and columns of a database table like a spreadsheet, generating random numbers, computing occurrences, using nested tables, and much, more.
Table of contents
- Introduction | 23s
- Module Contents | 51s
- ORDER BY and NULLS | 2m 36s
- DEMO #1 | 2m 1s
- FETCH and OFFSET Introduction | 2m 24s
- Limiting Rows With FETCH | 1m 48s
- DEMO #2 | 1m 14s
- FETCH and the WITH TIES Keyword | 1m 34s
- Skipping Rows With OFFSET | 2m 39s
- Useful SQL*Plus Commands | 1m 38s
- Summary | 1m 12s
About the author
Scott is a statistical computer programmer specializing in SAS and SQL. An admitted dilettante, Scott occupies his time learning various programming languages such as Java, Android, C#, C, PL/SQL, R, SPSS, to name a few. Scott becomes visibly upset if you don't line up your code syntax!
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