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Spring Framework: The Big Picture

Dive into the Spring Framework, Spring Boot, and other Spring-related projects with this high-level overview of Spring.

Dustin Schultz - Pluralsight course - Spring Framework: The Big Picture
by Dustin Schultz

What you'll learn

At the core of enterprise Java development is a thorough knowledge of Spring. In this course, Spring Framework: The Big Picture, you'll get a high-level overview of all aspects of Spring. First, you'll learn what Spring is. Next, you'll explore Spring Boot, the Spring Framework, and other Spring-related projects. Finally, you'll discover whether Spring is a good fit for you, your organization, or your next project. When you're finished with this course, you'll have a foundational knowledge of Spring that will help you as you move forward with enterprise Java development.

Table of contents

About the author

Dustin Schultz - Pluralsight course - Spring Framework: The Big Picture
Dustin Schultz

Dustin Schultz is a Lead Software Engineer and a technology evangelist at heart. He holds a Bachelors and a Masters in Computer Science, and is a full stack developer with the majority of his experience in Java, Spring, Hibernate, Spring Boot, Maven, AngularJS, and "The Cloud".

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