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Persistence Using Spring Data JDBC 3.0.0 and Spring Framework 6

This course will teach you how to use Spring JDBC and what is new in JDBC 3.0

Bryan Hansen - Pluralsight course - Persistence Using Spring Data JDBC 3.0.0 and Spring Framework 6
by Bryan Hansen

What you'll learn

JDBC 3 and Spring Framework 6 are the latest releases in both frameworks. In this course, Persistence Using Spring Data JDBC 3.0.0 and Spring Framework 6, you’ll see how to utilize Spring 6 and JDBC 3.0 to more efficiently retrieve and utilize data from a database in your application. First, you'll explore how Spring 6 has revised many of the features for accessing data, and made the code simpler and more efficient. Then, you'll see how to perform all of the CRUD functions as well as batch updates. Finally, you'll learn what is deprecated and what to watch out for. By the end of this course, you'll know how to configure persistence in your applications using JDBC 3 and Spring 6, using newer configuration methods and techniques to make your code more efficient and more maintainable. .

Table of contents

About the author

Bryan Hansen - Pluralsight course - Persistence Using Spring Data JDBC 3.0.0 and Spring Framework 6
Bryan Hansen

Bryan is a Director at Software Technology Group, a consulting company based out of Salt Lake City, and has authored and taught numerous courses in Java.

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