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Speeding up Your CSS Workflow with Sass and Compass
In this CSS tutorial, we'll learn how to use Sass and Compass to speed up our coding workflows. Software required: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015, Sublime Text 2.
What you'll learn
In this CSS tutorial, we'll learn how to use Sass and Compass to speed up our coding workflows. Both Sass and Compass are powerful tools that allow you to use variables, mixins, nesting, and more with your CSS. By the end of this CSS training, you'll have learned a variety of tips and tricks to help you be a better front end developer. Software required: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015, Sublime Text 2.
Table of contents
Introduction and Project Overview
Speeding up Your CSS Workflow with Sass and Compass
- Finishing the CSS and Integrating Masonry JavaScript Grid 7m
- Adding Responsive CSS and Finishing the Project 5m
- Using Compass and Sass with Foundation 7m
- Understanding Sass Variables 8m
- Discovering Sass Nesting 5m
- Understanding Sass Mixins 8m
- Creating Sass Partials and Importing 5m
- Designing the Header and Hero Section 8m
- Designing the Headline, Sub-headline, and Gallery 11m
- Finishing the Site Mockup 9m
- Creating Our Foundation Project and Exporting Assets 6m
- Starting the HTML 9m
- Finishing the HTML and Starting the CSS and Sass 9m
- Continuing the CSS 11m
- Finishing the CSS and Integrating Masonry JavaScript Grid - Pt. 2 10m
- Adding Responsive CSS and Finishing the Project - Pt. 2 9m