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Transform Data Using Spark SQL

Transforming data is crucial in order to derive valuable insights from large amounts of data. This course will teach you how to manipulate, analyze, and manage data using Spark SQL.

Anand Saravanan - Pluralsight course - Transform Data Using Spark SQL
by Anand Saravanan

What you'll learn

Managing and transforming data efficiently is a critical skill in today's data-driven world.

In this course, Transform Data Using Spark SQL, you’ll learn how to perform data manipulations, create views, and invoke user-defined functions and table functions directly from SQL. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a strong foundation in using Spark SQL to transform and analyze data in a scalable and efficient manner.

Table of contents

About the author

Anand Saravanan - Pluralsight course - Transform Data Using Spark SQL
Anand Saravanan

Anand is a software engineer and AI enthusiast. A technical author adept at simplifying the complex for all to understand.

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