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Data Transformation in Snowflake

by Amine Cherrat

Learn the essential techniques of data transformation in Snowflake. This course will teach you how to perform data transformations in Snowflake, enabling efficient data preparation for analytics.

What you'll learn

Data analysts often face challenges in efficiently transforming and preparing data for advanced analytics.

In this course, Data Transformation in Snowflake, you’ll gain the ability to transform and prepare data for advanced analytics.

First, you’ll explore using SQL functions to convert data types and format strings in Snowflake.

Next, you’ll discover how to use string functions for text manipulation.

Finally, you’ll learn how to leverage date functions and common table expressions (CTEs) to organize and manage complex queries.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of data transformation in Snowflake needed to efficiently prepare data for analytics.

About the author

Amine is a Data expert with 10+ years in analytics, skilled in SQL, Tableau, Qlik Sense, and Power BI. He excels in making data science accessible by blending technical skills with engaging learning experiences.

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