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Access Historical Data with Time Travel in Snowflake

by Warner Chaves

Snowflake’s Time Travel feature allows you to look at data at different moments in the past. This course will teach you the fundamentals of this feature and how to use it for analysis and recovery.

What you'll learn

The Snowflake Cloud Data Platform has a powerful feature called Time Travel to access the history of data as it changes over time.

In this course, Access Historical Data with Time Travel in Snowflake, you’ll learn about using this feature to look at different versions of data at different moments in time and recover data that has been deleted or dropped.

First, you’ll explore what Time Travel is, its limitations, and what problems it solves. Next, you’ll discover the different query syntax clauses available to access data with Time Travel. Then, you'll use Time Travel to create clones of objects as they existed in a point in time in the past. Finally, you'll look at using Time Travel to recover dropped data.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of accessing historical data with Time Travel in Snowflake.

About the author

Warner is a SQL Server Certified Master, MVP, and Solutions Architect at Pythian, a global Canada-based company specializing in data and infrastructure services. A brief stint in .NET programming led to his early DBA formation, working for enterprise customers in Hewlett-Packard's ITO organization. From HP he transitioned to his current position at Pythian, managing multiple clients of different sizes and industries. He leads a highly-talented team of data professionals that keep things running ... more

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