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The Role of Shadow IT and How to Bring it out of the Darkness

The second thought leadership course, continues the discussion and enables stakeholders and decision-makers the ability to make security the norm, rather than the exception.

Troy Hunt - Pluralsight course - The Role of Shadow IT and How to Bring it out of the Darkness
by Troy Hunt

What you'll learn

This is the second quarterly installment of creating a security-centric culture. In this course, The Role of Shadow IT and How to Bring It out of the Darkness, you will learn what shadow IT means, particularly in the era of cloud. First, you will gain an understanding of exactly what shadow IT is and why it exists. Next, you will learn to acknowledge that IT and security constructs, that we live and breathe every day, can be really foreign to non-tech people. Finally, you will learn to help your business understand the right way to go about meeting their needs. When you are finished with this course, you will know how to become a part of the solution, rather than a barrier to getting your work done.

Table of contents

About the author

Troy Hunt - Pluralsight course - The Role of Shadow IT and How to Bring it out of the Darkness
Troy Hunt

Troy Hunt is a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP for Developer Security. He's a regular conference speaker, frequent blogger at and is the creator of the data breach notification service known as “Have I Been Pwned”.

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