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Scaling Up

Stories and strategies for building reliable web application systems.

Geoffrey Grosenbach - Pluralsight course - Scaling Up
by Geoffrey Grosenbach

What you'll learn

The Internet is full of reviews or suggestions from people who have used a piece of software for 15 minutes or only on a single server. This series is about the strategies, stories, and tips learned by development and operations experts while running real sites with real traffic. Eric Lindvall is co-founder of Papertrail, a log collection, searching, and reporting service. Previously, he sold Cloudvox, a telephony startup. He shares his knowledge from years of day to day development and deployment of multi-machine networked systems. You'll hear about Eric's philosophies on efficient scaling, tools he finds invaluable, and techniques for handling unexpected errors or sudden floods of traffic.

Table of contents

About the author

Geoffrey Grosenbach - Pluralsight course - Scaling Up
Geoffrey Grosenbach

Geoffrey founded PeepCode and has created numerous courses on Ruby, JavaScript and Shell.

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