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RSpec 1

Learn RSpec from the basics through advanced tools.

Geoffrey Grosenbach - Pluralsight course - RSpec 1
by Geoffrey Grosenbach

What you'll learn

In the Basics module, learn how to install and configure RSpec. We'll walk through a simple project. Then we'll install RSpec in a Rails application and start writing examples for a simple model. The RSpec Mocks and Models module continues the project from part 1 but focuses on writing examples for ActiveRecord models. During the process you'll also learn about parsing XML with Hpricot! The Controllers and Tools module shows how to write behavior examples for Rails Controllers, Views, and Helpers. It finishes the application started at the beginning of this series.

Table of contents

About the author

Geoffrey Grosenbach - Pluralsight course - RSpec 1
Geoffrey Grosenbach

Geoffrey founded PeepCode and has created numerous courses on Ruby, JavaScript and Shell.

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