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Building Reusable Angular Services: Logging

Learn how to perform logging in Angular applications by creating a set of reusable log publishing classes. A log publishers service replaces console.log() making your logging much more flexible.

Paul D. Sheriff - Pluralsight course - Building Reusable Angular Services: Logging
by Paul D. Sheriff

What you'll learn

Professional programmers know that logging errors and being able to track what is going on within an Angular application is essential. In this course, Building Reusable Angular Services: Logging, you'll learn how to design an Angular service to perform logging more efficiently and with more flexibility than just using console.log(), by creating an extensible Angular service to log any data to a variety of locations. First, you'll explore how to build a simple console logging class, a class to log to local storage, and a class to post log information to a Web API. Additionally, you'll delve into building different types of log entries, such as debug, informational, error, and warnings. Finally, you'll discover how to create a JSON configuration file to control where you log the data. By the end of this course, you'll have a great start on your logging service that can be used in your own applications. This service can replace all your console.log() calls to provide a better, and more flexible approach to logging.

Table of contents

About the author

Paul D. Sheriff - Pluralsight course - Building Reusable Angular Services: Logging
Paul D. Sheriff

Paul loves teaching and technology, and has been teaching tech and business topics for over 30 years. Paul helps clients develop applications, and instructs them on the best use of technology.

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