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Relational Databases with Express and Sequelize

by Treasure Porth

This course introduces you to data modeling and management fundamentals using Express, Sequelize, and SQLite to build effective APIs.

What you'll learn

Relational databases can be complex to manage and integrate with APIs, especially when dealing with associations and complex queries. In this course, Relational Databases with Express and Sequelize, you’ll learn to model and manage data in Express using the Sequelize ORM and a SQLite database and use these tools to create intuitive APIs. First, you’ll explore how to create and interact with database models. Next, you’ll discover how to create associations between different database tables and use those relationships to create intuitive ways to interact with APIs. Finally, you’ll learn how to build complex queries to support sorting, searching, and filtering for smoother API navigation. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of relational database management needed to create organized, powerful APIs in Express.

About the author

Treasure is a Software Development Author at Pluralsight. Since transitioning from a career in postsecondary education to web development in 2015, Treasure has worked in EdTech both as a Senior Software Engineer and an instructor, creating hundreds of hours of JavaScript-focused learning content across many platforms, including Treehouse, Scrimba, Free Code Camp, and Coursera. She is passionate about simplifying web development concepts for learners of all levels.

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