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Rebuilding Web Forms Applications in MVC

The transition between Web Forms and MVC can be easy. In this course, you'll explore how to rebuild legacy ASP.NET Web Forms applications in MVC. You'll look at how development translates between frameworks by rebuilding a sample application.

Alex Wolf - Pluralsight course - Rebuilding Web Forms Applications in MVC
by Alex Wolf

What you'll learn

Transitioning from ASP.NET Web Forms applications to MVC applications can be difficult, but you can ease the transition. This course, Rebuilding Web Forms Applications in MVC, will help developers, like you, to migrate to a new framework. You'll complete this task using a two-tiered approach: first, you'll compare and contrast what high-level concepts are shared between Web Forms and MVC. Next, you'll learn how they are both built on the larger ASP.NET platform. Finally, you'll explore how the specific implementation details of those concepts vary between frameworks, demonstrated by rebuilding a meaningful sample application. By the end of this course, you'll be more prepared to rebuild apps and make a smooth transition to MVC.

Table of contents

About the author

Alex Wolf - Pluralsight course - Rebuilding Web Forms Applications in MVC
Alex Wolf

Alex Wolf is passionate about software development and mastering new technologies. He has several years of experience working almost exclusively with the .NET Framework and related platforms. Alex is also a Microsoft Certified Professional in both MVC Application development and HTML 5 technologies. He loves learning new things!

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