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What Is React?

This course will teach you what React is and help you understand why React is the number one JavaScript library for building JavaScript apps in a browser.

Peter Kellner - Pluralsight course - What Is React?
by Peter Kellner

What you'll learn

React is the number one JavaScript library for building JavaScript apps in a browser. In this course, What Is React?, you’ll learn all about the component-based nature of React and how that translates into highly performant and easy to use web applications. First, you’ll explore the nature of React and how it addresses building component-based web apps. Next, you’ll discover how React is based on a virtual DOM that efficiently maintains an application's user interface to mirror that virtual DOM. Finally, you’ll learn how React uses the powerful JSX syntax to represent components and the actual UI of a running web app. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have an excellent understanding of why React is the most popular JavaScript library for building web apps, as well as what it takes to build a React app.

Table of contents

About the author

Peter Kellner - Pluralsight course - What Is React?
Peter Kellner

Peter is the founder of Silicon Valley Code Camp and long-time software professional specializing in mobile and web technologies. He has also been a Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET since 2006.

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