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Building a Chat Application with React Native

by Reggie Dawson

React Native allows you to build a variety of apps. This course will teach you how to build a complete chat app using React Native.

What you'll learn

Real time communication is possible due to the widespread availability of the Internet. In this course, Building a Chat Application with React Native, you’ll learn to build a complete chat application. First, you’ll explore the basics of WebSockets. Next, you’ll discover how to generate a project using Expo. Finally, you’ll learn how to connect to a server and transmit messages between clients. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of React Native needed to build a complete Chat Application.

About the author

After over 16 years in IT, Reggie finally decided to follow a long-term dream of learning to code. The path Reggie chose led him to pick up JavaScript, and building Web and mobile apps. Fast forward three years, Reggie has worked with many of the popular frameworks available, and he is comfortable enough to share his knowledge with others.

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