- Core Tech
Creating Reusable React Components
You may know React, but do you know how to design and distribute truly reusable React components? Learn how to design, create, and publish a reusable React component library that you can share with your team, your company, or the world.
What you'll learn
Are you copy/pasting components from previous projects? Are you fighting consistency issues with your team? Sure, you know React, but do you know how to design, create, and publish reusable React components, so others can benefit from your team's work? In this course, Creating Reusable React Components, you'll explore over 50 decisions to consider when designing, creating, and publishing reusable React components, including atomic design, documentation generation, styling, theming, testing, packaging, and publishing. By the end of this course, you'll know how to publish and maintain your own reusable component library.
Table of contents
- Intro | 2m 7s
- Agenda | 1m
- Why Reusable Components? | 4m 35s
- Why Not Web Components? | 3m 10s
- Why React? | 4m 32s
- Decision Overview | 54s
- Decision 1: Audience | 1m 42s
- Decision 2: Rigid vs. Flexible | 3m 40s
- Warning: Tragedy of the Commons | 2m 53s
- Decision 3: Link, Wrap, or Fork Third Parties? | 6m 44s
- Decision 4: When Should I Add Components to My Library? | 3m 25s
- How I'm Handling Demos and Issues | 51s
- Summary | 1m 38s
About the author
Cory is an independent consultant with over 15 years of experience in software development. He is the principal consultant at reactjsconsulting.com and a Microsoft MVP.
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