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Querying Data with Generative AI

by Mihaela Danci

By integrating AI services into your workflow, you can significantly enhance your productivity and data analysis skills. This course will teach you how to use ChatGPT and Claude to efficiently generate, evaluate, and optimize SQL queries.

What you'll learn

Writing efficient and accurate SQL queries can be both challenging and time-consuming. In this course, Querying Data with Generative AI, you’ll learn to leverage GenAI services to generate, evaluate, and optimize SQL queries. First, you’ll explore how to create effective prompts for generating accurate SQL queries while handling various data types, filtering conditions, and aggregations. Next, you’ll discover techniques for managing complex SQL components such as joins. Finally, you’ll learn how to optimize queries by considering factors such as indexing, partitioning, and query plan analysis. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of AI-assisted SQL query generation needed to streamline your workflow and enhance query performance.

About the author

As a data analyst enthusiast, Mihaela has special interests in translating vision into action using end-to-end data analysis. She is very passionate about teaching and resolving real-world business problems. Her greatest joy is learning new data exploration techniques and pushing the boundaries of data analytics. Mihaela has a bachelor’s degree in economic cybernetics and in her spare time she loves to travel and dance.

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