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Qt Quick 5 Fundamentals

by Tod Gentille

Learn to use Qt Quick to create a modern, fluid, user interface suitable for both mobile and desktop devices. Qt Quick contains both a rich set of user interface objects and an easy to use and learn declarative programming language known as QML. This is the second course in the series on the Qt framework.

What you'll learn

Qt Quick is part of the Qt ecosystem and is designed for building modern, fluid, interfaces. While Qt Quick can be used to build stand-alone applications, it's also designed to interact seamlessly with a C++ back end. Qt Quick is suitable for both desktop and mobile application developers. C++ programmers are the most likely to achieve long term gains from adopting Qt Quick but no knowledge of C++ will be required to understand this course. The ability to understand small snippets of JavaScript will be helpful when watching this course, but not essential. The Qt Quick approach to interface design makes it possible for programmers and designers to work together seamlessly. This course will be using the Qt 5.3 framework and the Qt Quick 2.2 library. If you are new to Qt, please see "Introduction to Qt: A C++ Cross Application Framework" for detailed instructions on downloading and installing the Qt Framework.

Table of contents

About the author

Tod has been a software developer since finding an Apple ][ lurking in a chemistry lab at Argonne National Labs circa 1980. Programming everything from Assembler, and Fortran to C#. He spent a couple of decades doing embedded development with C++ and recently developed applications with TypeScript and React.

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