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Prototyping Techniques for UX Design

by Amber Israelsen

Dive into user experience design through practical and effective prototyping. This course will teach you to develop interactive prototypes, conduct user tests, and refine interfaces for optimal usability.

What you'll learn

Creating intuitive and functional user interfaces from scratch can be daunting without the right approach to prototyping. It can also be risky if you’re not getting proper feedback from users early on.

In this course, Prototyping Techniques for UX Design, you’ll learn to effectively design and test prototypes. First, you’ll explore the fundamental principles that underpin what prototypes are and why they're crucial in UX design. Next, you’ll discover the methods for crafting effective prototypes and how to choose the right level of fidelity for your project. Finally, you’ll learn how to conduct insightful user testing and iterate your designs based on real feedback.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of UX prototyping techniques needed to create interactive designs that are user-friendly and align to business goals.

About the author

Amber has been a software developer and technical trainer for over two decades, sharing her expertise in AI, machine learning, AWS, and Power Apps with students around the world. She has a knack for making complex tech topics easy to grasp, whether you’re a developer, designer, or business professional. Amber holds certifications in machine learning, AWS, and various Microsoft technologies, including her experience as a former Microsoft Certified Trainer. With a strong background in visual com... more

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