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Protocol Deep Dive: DHCP

DHCP is one of the core protocols that makes the network "just work". This course will delve into the specifics of the protocol including configuration, vendor-specific options and extensions, and troubleshooting the network when things go wrong.

Greg Dickinson - Pluralsight course - Protocol Deep Dive: DHCP
by Greg Dickinson

What you'll learn

Are you responsible for maintaining your company's network and wonder exactly how the DHCP protocol helps with that? Then this course, Protocol Deep Dive: DHCP, is the course for you! First, you will learn the specifics of exactly how the DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 protocols work, all the way down to the packet level. Next, you will learn how to properly configure a DHCP server on Windows Server and Cisco platforms. Finally, you will learn the methodology behind troubleshooting issues that may arise. When the course is completed, you will have a thorough understanding of the DHCP protocol and have the confidence to deploy it in your network.

Table of contents

About the author

Greg Dickinson - Pluralsight course - Protocol Deep Dive: DHCP
Greg Dickinson

Greg is a networking professional, proficient in voice, data, and Windows networking.

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