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Protecting and Monitoring Azure Media Services

This course will help you to learn​ about how you can  protect and monitor video content/assets using the content  protection DRM features available in Azure Media Services. 

Venkatesh Muniyandi - Pluralsight course - Protecting and Monitoring Azure Media Services
by Venkatesh Muniyandi

What you'll learn

One of the top priorities in media streaming/(OTT) business is to protect and monitor the digital assets/videos at all times including when the media is at rest and while streaming. In this course, Protecting and Monitoring Azure Media Services, you’ll learn how to protect and monitor media assets using industry standard encryptions & DRM’s likeAES-128, FairPlay, PlayReady, Widevine in Azure Media Services. First, you’ll explore the fundamentals of media protection. Next, you’ll discover the content protection features offered in Azure Media Services. Then, you'll apply the concepts of DRM encryption and designate different DRM Encryptions to media. Finally, you'll analyze and monitor media services using Azure Monitor and Event Grid. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to protect and monitor media services that are needed to build the secured media streaming service.

Table of contents

About the author

Venkatesh Muniyandi - Pluralsight course - Protecting and Monitoring Azure Media Services
Venkatesh Muniyandi

Venkatesh Muniyandi is a passionate IT professional having over 15 years of experience in BI, Big Data, Web & Cloud technologies. He loves to teach practical software development skills to make the students productive at a fast pace.

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