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Programming R Vectors and Factors

R is a widely used programming language for statistical computing. This course will teach you the fundamentals of understanding and working with vectors and factors within R.

Justin Flett - Pluralsight course - Programming R Vectors and Factors
by Justin Flett

What you'll learn

R is a popular programming language for statistical computing. In this course, Programming R Vectors and Factors, you will gain foundational knowledge of all data types and structures within R. First, you will learn some of the most commonly used data types and data structures used in R. Then, we will explore all of the data types and structures in R. Next, we will dive deeper into the specific data structures of vectors and factors. Finally, we will discover how to program and work with vectors and factors including accessing, adding and removing elements, using and understanding coercion and performing common operations on vectors and factors.

Table of contents

About the author

Justin Flett - Pluralsight course - Programming R Vectors and Factors
Justin Flett

Justin Flett is a Mechatronics Engineer currently working as a Professor within the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology at Sheridan College. Justin has previously held positions at Hydro One Networks, Ford Motor Company, and ABB Robotics spanning across both the electrical and mechanical engineering industries. Most recently, he has been working as an Product Development Professional specializing in training, services, and consultation nation-wide, ranging from design fundamentals to advanced product development solutions.

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