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Managing Emotional Exhaustion

by Vesna Lakovic van Kempen

Combat emotional exhaustion in the tech industry! This guest speaker series talk will teach you how to recognize, prevent, and deal with emotional exhaustion, helping you be more resilient and find a good work-life balance.

What you'll learn

Combat emotional exhaustion in the tech industry! This guest speaker series talk will teach you how to recognize, prevent, and deal with emotional exhaustion, helping you be more resilient and find a good work-life balance.

Table of contents

Managing Emotional Exhaustion

About the author

Vesna has spent over a decade developing educational programs that meet contemporary needs within companies, organizations and institutions worldwide. Her approach to Mindfulness in the workplace is grounded, practical, and effective. On Pluralsight, her e-learning courses are designed not just to give knowledge but also to spark curiosity and awareness. Her commitment began with her early work as an activist with vulnerable groups, driven by a belief in small steps leading to meaningful change... more

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