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Productionalizing Data Pipelines with Apache Airflow 1

This course will teach you how to master production-grade Data Pipelines with ease within Apache Airflow.

Axel Sirota - Pluralsight course - Productionalizing Data Pipelines with Apache Airflow 1
by Axel Sirota

What you'll learn

Production-grade Data Pipelines are hard to get right. Even when they are done, every update is complex due to its central piece in every organization's infrastructure. In this course, Productionalizaing Data Pipelines with Apache Airflow 1, you’ll learn to master them using Apache Airflow. First, you’ll explore what Airflow is and how it creates Data Pipelines. Next, you’ll discover how to make your pipelines more resilient and predictable. Finally, you’ll learn how to distribute tasks with Celery and Kubernetes Executors. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Apache Airflow needed to make any Data Pipelines production grade.

Table of contents

About the author

Axel Sirota - Pluralsight course - Productionalizing Data Pipelines with Apache Airflow 1
Axel Sirota

Axel Sirota has a Masters degree in Mathematics with a deep interest in Deep Learning and Machine Learning Operations. After researching in Probability, Statistics and Machine Learning optimization, he is currently working at JAMPP as a Machine Learning Research Engineer leveraging customer data for making accurate predictions at Real Time Bidding.

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