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Product Management: Understanding the Business

This course will give you an understanding of business concepts that will help you navigate product strategy, discovery, design, and development while supporting a growing business.

Jeff Hurd - Pluralsight course - Product Management: Understanding the Business
by Jeff Hurd

What you'll learn

Too many Product managers maximize their products and features without fully understanding how they lead up into business goals and outcomes. In this course, Product Management: Understanding the Business, you’ll learn to navigate product strategy, discovery, design, and development while impacting Key Objectives and Key Results. First, you’ll explore business vision and strategy. Next, you’ll discover business models and how they impact the product team. Finally, you’ll learn tips and tricks on how product can and should collaborate between all other teams across the business. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to navigate product Strategy, Discovery, Design, and Development while supporting a growing business.

Table of contents

About the author

Jeff Hurd - Pluralsight course - Product Management: Understanding the Business
Jeff Hurd

Jeff has over 10 years experience working in video production and product management.

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