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Product Management: Stakeholder Management

This course will teach you how to identify product stakeholders effectively, arrange them in priority groups, and engage with them in suitable ways.

Milena Pajic - Pluralsight course - Product Management: Stakeholder Management
by Milena Pajic

What you'll learn

Being aware of those who are helping and supporting the development of a product, but also those who are trying to interfere with it and establishing the levels, channels, and pace of communication with each of them are some of the critical activities of product managers. In this course, Product Management: Stakeholder Management, you'll learn how focusing on different stakeholders and their needs can help you better manage products. First, you'll explore different types of stakeholders and why it is essential to identify them, listen to them, and help them see the shared vision of the product. Next, you'll discover various ways to prioritize the stakeholders properly and to decide with whom you should engage, at what level, in what way, and how often. Finally, you'll learn more about what skills can help you set up more productive exchanges with stakeholders. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge needed to successfully manage stakeholders involved in product development, delivery, and usage.

Table of contents

About the author

Milena Pajic - Pluralsight course - Product Management: Stakeholder Management
Milena Pajic

Milena Pajic has more than a decade-long career in IT industry, leading distributed teams and managing projects on the international level. Software developer by education, she dug deep into the code, earned significant hands-on experience and learned the rules of the game

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