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Retrieve, Transform, and Combine Data Using Power Query

This course targets the Business Intelligence (BI) Self Service professional who needs to obtain and shape data from multiple and various sources so that the data can provide useful BI to report viewers. The focus of this course is Power Query.

Ben Howard - Pluralsight course - Retrieve, Transform, and Combine Data Using Power Query
by Ben Howard

What you'll learn

Information today exists in multiple locations, from a simple text file, to social networks such as Facebook. Retrieving and then combining related information from such disparate data sources in order to provide meaningful insights into the information has historically been a difficult, if not impossible task. In this course, Retrieve, Transform, and Combine Data Using Power Query, you'll see how Power Query provides the cornerstone to Microsoft's PowerBI solution which aims to solve just this problem. First, you'll learn how learn how to retrieve data from various sources, as well as how how to cleanse and shape the data so that you have the data in the format you desire. This is also known as mashing up the data. Next, you'll learn how to combine data from different sources. At this stage, you're able to provide new insights into your data. Finally, you'll learn how to share the queries you've created. By the end this course, you'll know how to use Power Query to access disparate data sources, cleanse and transform the data, and prepare it so that it can be used in super powerful ways to provide new insights into your world of data.

Table of contents

About the author

Ben Howard - Pluralsight course - Retrieve, Transform, and Combine Data Using Power Query
Ben Howard

Ben is a Power BI & Data Specialist with a healthy interest in Microsoft Project with over 30 years of customer and implementation experience. He has been a Microsoft MVP for 13 years, is a frequent speaker at several European conferences, and blogs and creates videos on a semi-regular basis.

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