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Integrate Power BI with Python

by Dr. Ali Feizollah

In today's data-driven world, combining the strengths of Power BI and Python is crucial for advanced analytics. This course will teach you how to integrate Python scripts into Power BI for enhanced data manipulation, analysis, and visualization.

What you'll learn

Business intelligence tools like Power BI are powerful, but they can fall short when dealing with complex data analysis tasks. Integrating Python with Power BI bridges this gap, enabling more advanced data manipulation and visualization.

In this course, Integrate Power BI with Python, you'll gain the ability to leverage Python's data science capabilities within Power BI for enhanced analytics and reporting.

First, you'll explore how to import and execute Python scripts in Power BI, opening up a world of possibilities for data analysis.

Next, you'll discover how to use Python for data transformation and cleansing in Power Query, allowing you to handle complex data preparation tasks with ease.

Then, you'll learn how to create visualizations using Python libraries in Power BI, going beyond the standard chart types.

Finally, you'll master the art of integrating and displaying Python-generated results in Power BI Dashboards, creating interactive and insightful reports.

When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge of Python and Power BI integration needed to perform advanced data analysis, create custom visualizations, and build more powerful and insightful business intelligence solutions.

About the author

Hello, I'm Ali. I have a PhD in computer science. I am currently working as a lecturer. I conduct research on social media analysis using Python and machine learning. I have a YouTube channel, named Flutterware, that shares tutorial on Google's Flutter platform that is used to develop mobile applications for Android and iOS with one base code. I love research and exploring knowledge. I think acquiring knowledge without sharing it is useless. I hope that you find my classes helpful.

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