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Embed Power BI Reports

Embed Power BI reports seamlessly across platforms like SharePoint and Teams. Explore Power BI Embedded use cases and manage licensing, architecture, and authentication for optimal integration of reports in applications.

Yasir Khan - Pluralsight course - Embed Power BI Reports
by Yasir Khan

What you'll learn

In today’s data-driven world, organizations struggle to effectively share insights from their data, often facing challenges in integrating reporting tools across various platforms.

In this course, Embed Power BI Reports, you’ll gain the ability to seamlessly embed Power BI reports into multiple applications and platforms for enhanced data accessibility and visualization.

First, you’ll explore the benefits of embedding Power BI reports and understand the different types of embedding options available, including SharePoint Online and Microsoft Teams.

Next, you’ll discover the use cases for Power BI Embedded, delving into licensing, capacity requirements, and the architecture of Power BI Embedded to ensure effective integration.

Finally, you’ll learn how to manage authentication and permissions while embedding a Power BI report in applications using the Power BI Embedded API, enabling secure and efficient access to your reports.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of embedding Power BI reports and using Power BI Embedded needed to enhance data sharing and drive informed decision-making across your organization.

Table of contents

About the author

Yasir Khan - Pluralsight course - Embed Power BI Reports
Yasir Khan

Dr. Yasir Khan is a global tech consultant and 38Labs founder. He's passionate about digital transformation, data & AI, and regularly shares technology insights on Pluralsight.

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