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On Polyglot Programming

Learn the benefits of adding multiple languages to your repertoire, and other valuable insights from the Polyglot Programmer, Ted Neward.

Rob Conery - Pluralsight course - On Polyglot Programming
by Rob Conery
Ted Neward - Pluralsight course - On Polyglot Programming
by Ted Neward

What you'll learn

In this course, Rob Conery sits down with technologist and polyglot programmer, Ted Neward, to discuss the benefits of learning multiple languages. You'll learn other valuable insights, including how languages gain adoption, why rewriting code is such an important exercise, and more.

Table of contents

About the authors

Rob Conery - Pluralsight course - On Polyglot Programming
Rob Conery

Rob Conery co-founded Tekpub and created This Developer's Life. He is an author, speaker, and sometimes a little bit opinionated.

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Ted Neward - Pluralsight course - On Polyglot Programming
Ted Neward

Ted Neward is an independent consultant specializing in high-scale enterprise systems, working with clients ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to small 10-person shops.

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