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Learning Journeys for Tomorrow's IT Professionals with Azure Bootcamps

In this session, Yvo Verbeek will share the success that Achmea has made with the Azure Bootcamps.

Pluralsight LIVE - Pluralsight course - Learning Journeys for Tomorrow's IT Professionals with Azure Bootcamps
by Pluralsight LIVE

What you'll learn

In this session Yvo Verbeek will share the success that Achmea has made with the Azure Bootcamps. The Azure bootcamps are part of the Learning Journey created to develop and certify employees for the Microsoft Cloud. In 8 weeks time employees are trained with the Pluralsight RoleIQ and gain the necessary knowledge to be fully prepared for the five day classroom pressure cooker. The successful combination of this blended approach created amazing results, so join this session to learn how you can achieve the same for your teams.

Table of contents

About the author

Pluralsight LIVE - Pluralsight course - Learning Journeys for Tomorrow's IT Professionals with Azure Bootcamps
Pluralsight LIVE

Pluralsight LIVE is the ultimate gathering of industry experts, business leaders and change-makers. As Pluralsight's annual user conference, LIVE is where technologists from around the world come together to look into the future and prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

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