- Core Tech
Play by Play: Website Security Review with Troy Hunt and Lars Klint
Learn to assess the security profile of your own web applications and identify security risks before attackers do.
What you'll learn
Frequently, the first thing a developer knows of a serious security flaw in their application is when it’s too late and it’s already been exploited. There’s a broad range of security risks and corresponding mitigations within web applications and it’s absolutely essential that developers learn how to identify these themselves. This course walks through a typical security review of an established web application and identifies which practices have been done well and then which ones could be improved. It’s a technology agnostic course – it doesn’t matter whether you work in ASP.NET or Node or PHP, this is all about the web and applies equally to all apps that run in the browser.
Table of contents
About the authors
Lars is an author, trainer, Microsoft MVP, community leader, authority on all things Windows Platform, and part time crocodile wrangler. He is heavily involved in the space of HoloLens and mixed reality, as well as a published Pluralsight author, freelance solution architect, and writer for numerous publications.
More Courses by LarsTroy Hunt is a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP for Developer Security. He's a regular conference speaker, frequent blogger at troyhunt.com and is the creator of the data breach notification service known as “Have I Been Pwned”.
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