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Play by Play: The Science Behind Microsoft Exams

In this Play by Play, you'll learn how Microsoft thinks about measuring skills with their certification exams, and ways you can better prepare for passing an exam.

Jason Helmick - Pluralsight course - Play by Play: The Science Behind Microsoft Exams
by Jason Helmick
Liberty Munson - Pluralsight course - Play by Play: The Science Behind Microsoft Exams
by Liberty Munson

What you'll learn

If you're thinking about taking a Microsoft certification exam in the near future, this course is essential viewing to help you prepare. Play by Play is a series where top technologists sit down for an unrehearsed, unscripted conversation about tools you use and scenarios you encounter. In this edition, author Jason Helmick discusses the science behind Microsoft exams with Microsoft Learning Psychometrician, Liberty Munson. This course isn't a checklist for how to pass an exam, but rather an exploration into how Microsoft thinks about assessing skills and ensures their exams provide reliable measures. You'll learn valuable insights into what Microsoft expects from an MCSA and MCSE, how they decide what's included in an exam, the question writing and review process, and even a glimpse into new ways Microsoft may explore to measure skills. After viewing this course, you'll have a better understanding of what you need to do to prepare for passing your next Microsoft certification exam.

Table of contents

About the authors

Jason Helmick - Pluralsight course - Play by Play: The Science Behind Microsoft Exams
Jason Helmick

Jason Helmick is an author for Pluralsight. His IT career spans more than 25 years or enterprise consulting on a variety of technologies, with a focus on strategic IT business planning. He’s a highly successful IT author, columnist, lecturer, and instructor, specializing in automation practices for the IT pro.

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Liberty Munson - Pluralsight course - Play by Play: The Science Behind Microsoft Exams
Liberty Munson

Liberty Munson, PhD, is the Principal Psychometrician for Microsoft technical certification program. She is responsible for ensuring that psychometric standards are rigorously applied during all phases of the certification exam lifecycle and that the design and implementation of Microsoft’s Certification program results in valid and reliable assessments of candidate skills.

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