Play by Play: Building Enterprise Angular 4 Apps with Nx
by Lars Klint and Duncan Hunter
In this course, you’ll learn how to use the Nx library for Angular to create productive, consistent, and safe apps for the enterprise space.
What you'll learn
Play by Play is a series in which top technologists work through a problem in real time, unrehearsed, and unscripted. In this course, Play by Play: Building Enterprise Angular 4 Apps with Nx, Duncan Hunter and Lars Klint demonstrate how to effectively use the Nx library for Angular to build enterprise apps. Learn about Nx workspaces, how it relates to NgRx, common pitfalls for using the library, and support for error detection. By the end of this course, you’ll have the tools necessary to dive in and start using the Nx library for Angular to build safe apps for the enterprise space. GitHub links: and
About the authors
Lars is a Principal Advocate with Arkahna, author, trainer, Microsoft MVP, community leader, aspiring Microsoft Azure expert and part time classic car collector. He is heavily involved in the space of cloud computing services, especially Azure, and is a published author, solution architect and writer for numerous publications. He has been a part of the software development community for the past 20 years and co-organises the DDD Melbourne community conference, organises developer events with Mic... morerosoft, and also runs a part time car restoration business. He has spoken at numerous technical events around the world and is an expert in Australian Outback Internet.
Duncan works as an Australian software consultant, founder of Foodzone, Pluralsight author who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals. Duncan is an Angular expert and divides his time with between training and upskilling teams to implement best practices with Angular, growing Foodzone and working for clients writing code.