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Play by Play: Angular Testing with John Papa and Ward Bell

Angular testing isn't the most exciting or attractive part about coding. It's important, of course, but it can be kind of hard to get started. You know you should, you kinda feel guilty that you don't, but there's something holding you back. This course should help you get over the hump and start writing Angular tests. If you're brand new to testing Angular code, if you're unsure how to get started, or if you're like John Papa and absolutely hate it, this course is for you. By the end of this course, you'll know some tools and best practices to help you start writing Angular tests.

John Papa - Pluralsight course - Play by Play: Angular Testing with John Papa and Ward Bell
by John Papa
Ward Bell - Pluralsight course - Play by Play: Angular Testing with John Papa and Ward Bell
by Ward Bell

What you'll learn

Angular testing isn't the most exciting or attractive part about coding. It's important, of course, but it can be kind of hard to get started. You know you should, you kinda feel guilty that you don't, but there's something holding you back. This course should help you get over the hump and start writing Angular tests. If you're brand new to testing Angular code, if you're unsure how to get started, or if you're like John Papa and absolutely hate it, this course is for you. By the end of this course, you'll know some tools and best practices to help you start writing Angular tests.

Table of contents

About the authors

John Papa - Pluralsight course - Play by Play: Angular Testing with John Papa and Ward Bell
John Papa

John Papa is a Principal Developer Advocate with Microsoft and an alumni of the Google Developer Expert, Microsoft Regional Director, and MVP programs.

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Ward Bell - Pluralsight course - Play by Play: Angular Testing with John Papa and Ward Bell
Ward Bell

Ward is a Microsoft MVP and the V.P. of Technology at IdeaBlade, makers of the "DevForce" .NET application development product. Ward often obsesses on client technologies for business applications, data access, and development practices.

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