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Play by Play: Rails App Development with Aaron Patterson

Aaron Patterson (@tenderlove) is one of Ruby's most respected and loved programmers. He's a committer to both Ruby and Ruby on Rails. He also has an epic sense of humor. In this course, we gave Aaron the task of writing a Rails app that queries GitHub and returns an activity score for any user.

Geoffrey Grosenbach - Pluralsight course - Play by Play: Rails App Development with Aaron Patterson
by Geoffrey Grosenbach

What you'll learn

In this course, we gave one of Ruby's most respected and loved programmers, Aaron Patterson, the task of writing a Rails app that queries GitHub and returns an activity score for any user. You'll see a master at work. Although this isn't a step-by-step tutorial, you'll see the following concepts used: Writing fast test cases, Powerful ways to use IRB, Git workflow within Vim, Working with a JSON API, Using ActiveRecord, Rails 3 development and testing workflow.

Table of contents

About the author

Geoffrey Grosenbach - Pluralsight course - Play by Play: Rails App Development with Aaron Patterson
Geoffrey Grosenbach

Geoffrey founded PeepCode and has created numerous courses on Ruby, JavaScript and Shell.

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