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Picturing Architecture: UML (The Good Bits) and More

This course shows you how to visualize and communicate architecture using pictures, which is essential in an Agile environment. It takes you through the design process, covering everything from story cards to representing complex activity flows.

What you'll learn

You can't program effectively (or talk about your program effectively) without pictures, particularly in an Agile environment, where communication is central. This course, Picturing Architecture: UML (The Good Bits) and More, shows you how to communicate software concepts and structure using pictures or equivalent. You'll see how to represent stories and how to organize them effectively using index cards. You'll learn how to represent and organize stories and take them through the design process. You'll also learn how to represent complex activity flows, translate those flows into a messaging system, organize and represent the classes in your system, and represent the behavior of an object when that behavior changes with state. You'll learn about Story Cards, Story Maps, CRC-card walls (a system developed by the author), and a version of UML that's optimized for the whiteboard and adapted to modern Agile practice. By the end of this course, you'll be able to use pictures to communicate your program effectively within the Agile environment to others.

Table of contents