Photoshop Filters Reference Library: Blur & Sharpen
In this collection of videos, we will be taking a detailed look at each of the blur and sharpen filters inside Photoshop. Software required: Photoshop CS5 and up.
What you'll learn
In this collection of videos, we will be taking a detailed look at each of the blur and sharpen filters inside Photoshop. Each video in this course is a self-contained lesson centered on one of the blur or sharpen filters in Photoshop. This means that these lessons can be viewed in any order you wish, allowing you to pick and choose content that is relative to you. Over the course of these lessons, we'll discuss not only how each filter works but also the best way to apply it in order to obtain optimal results. Software required: Photoshop CS5 and up.
Table of contents
- Blur Filters: Blur and Blur More 4m
- Blur Filters: Box Blur 5m
- Blur Filters: Gaussian Blur 7m
- Blur Filters: Lens Blur 10m
- Blur Filters: Motion Blur 5m
- Blur Filters: Radial Blur 6m
- Blur Filters: Shape Blur 5m
- Blur Filters: Smart Blur 7m
- Blur Filters: Surface Blur 7m
- Sharpen Filters: Sharpen and Sharpen More 4m
- Sharpen Filters: Sharpen Edges 2m
- Sharpen Filters: Unsharp Mask 7m
- Sharpen Filters: Smart Sharpen 11m
- Sharpen Filters: Sharpening with the High Pass Filter 7m