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Pair Programming

Learn how to improve the quality of your code by programming alongside another person. This course will teach you the proper techniques and many benefits of pair programming, how to set up your workspace, and how to pair-program remotely.

Brendan Enrick - Pluralsight course - Pair Programming
by Brendan Enrick
Steve Smith - Pluralsight course - Pair Programming
by Steve Smith

What you'll learn

Programming alongside another person--also known as pair programming--is a concept that most developers have heard of, but may not have seen in action. This technique can greatly improve the quality and readability of your code as well as increase knowledge-sharing. In this course, Pair Programming, you'll learn how to achieve success in programming alongside others. You'll start by learning about the different roles of pairing, when and when not to use paired programming, and several pairing techniques. From there, you'll go over research that describes the benefits of this practice and learn about a similar technique called mob programming. Finally, you'll discover how you can set up your workspace for success and how to do pair programming remotely. By the end of this course, you will know the proper techniques and benefits of pair programming, and you'll be able to use it to your advantage to create better code.

Table of contents

About the authors

Brendan Enrick - Pluralsight course - Pair Programming
Brendan Enrick

Brendan Enrick is an experienced software architect, focusing a great deal of his time on agile and software craftsmanship methodologies. Brendan is a strong proponent of strong development communities. Along with two other community members, Brendan helped found the Hudson Software Craftsmanship user group in 2009.

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Steve Smith - Pluralsight course - Pair Programming
Steve Smith

Steve Smith (@ardalis) is an entrepreneur and software developer with a passion for building quality software as effectively as possible.

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