- Security
OWASP Top 10: What's New
The OWASP Top 10 is a respected guide to critical risks in web applications. The newest release brings fresh categories and consolidates old ones. This course explores the changes and gives guidance on how this affects various security roles.
What you'll learn
Web application security is constantly evolving as attackers find new vulnerabilities and refine their methods of attacking old ones. Keeping up to date on common vulnerabilities can be challenging and so the OWASP Top 10 brings together the information you need to protect your web applications. In this course, OWASP Top 10: What’s New, you’ll learn about the most important categories of vulnerability that should demand your attention. First you’ll explore all of the categories that are presented in the newest OWASP top 10. Next you’ll discover more detail about the newest of the vulnerabilities on the list. Finally, you’ll learn how the changes to the OWASP top 10 affect the various roles within the security industry. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the knowledge and skills you need to see the changing threats to web applications and how they can impact on different areas of security.
About the author
Gavin is passionate about security and has an extensive background in software development in regulated environments. He currently works in a Red Team at a FTSE 100 company.
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