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Fundamentals of OT Security

Understanding how to secure Operational Technology starts with the basics. This course will teach you the fundamentals of OT systems, networks, and security to get you started on your journey to securing industrial infrastructure.

Matthew Lloyd Davies - Pluralsight course - Fundamentals of OT Security
by Matthew Lloyd Davies

What you'll learn

This course will lay the foundations to understanding Operational Technology (OT) and the challenges of securing it. In this course, Fundamentals of OT Security, you’ll develop a foundational understanding of OT infrastructure and the inherent security risks of increasingly interconnected industrial infrastructure. First, you’ll explore OT terminology, and consider a case study that illustrates how damaging a cyber attack against OT can be. Next, you’ll discover how OT assets are networked and combined to create digital machines that can interact with the physical world. Finally, you’ll learn about the vulnerabilities associated with OT, including the attack surface and potential impacts of cyber attacks against OT. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to diver deeper into OT and how to secure it.

Table of contents

About the author

Matthew Lloyd Davies - Pluralsight course - Fundamentals of OT Security
Matthew Lloyd Davies

Matt has a degree in Chemical engineering and a PhD in mathematical chemistry. He is also a GIAC certified incident handler and penetration tester and has regulated cyber security in the UK civil nuclear sector for many years.

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