- Data
Oracle Database Program with PL/SQL Exam Number: 1Z0-149 - Use Explicit Cursors
Companies rely on backend developers in meeting SLAs with the customer. This course will teach you the different cursor types and how to leverage them in fetching data involving concurrent sessions.
What you'll learn
Writing consistent and predictable database code is one of the key ingredients to maintain and improve customer satisfaction. In this course, Oracle Database Program with PL/SQL Exam Number: 1Z0-149 - Use Explicit Cursors, you’ll learn to leverage PL/SQL cursors to effectively fetch data from the database. First, you’ll explore the various cursor types supported by PL/SQL and the business cases where they can be used. Next, you’ll discover how to pass parameters and use built-in cursor attributes. Then, you'll delve into how to use a FOR loop cursor in fetching data. Finally, you’ll learn how to use cursors when you have multiple sessions opened against the same set of rows. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of effectively using cursors needed to create fast-performing, consistent, and predictable PL/SQL code.
About the author
I have been passionate about designing and developing software that is scalable, portable and maintainable.
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