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OpenStack: Managing Identities and Objects

OpenStack administrators are in short supply. This course will help you gain your Certified OpenStack Administrator certification, and of course aid in understanding OpenStack management.

Andrew Mallett - Pluralsight course - OpenStack: Managing Identities and Objects
by Andrew Mallett

What you'll learn

OpenStack administrators are in short supply. In this course, OpenStack: Managing Identities and Objects, you'll develop an understanding of OpenStack management. At the core of OpenStack is Keystone, the identity service. First, you'll begin with a detailed look at managing Keystone Identities and setting up the V3 API. Next, with identities mastered, you'll discover Glance and creating your own Master Images. Additionally, you'll learn how to create multiple Cinder back-ends so you can allow the users to choose their storage type. Virtual machines may also need additional volumes which are provisioned by Cinder. Finally, you'll explore Swift, which allows files and other objects to be stored in the cloud. Understanding these major OpenStack services will have you on your way to mastering OpenStack. By the end of the course, you'll be efficient in working with Keystone, Swift, Cinder, and Glance OpenStack services.

Table of contents

About the author

Andrew Mallett - Pluralsight course - OpenStack: Managing Identities and Objects
Andrew Mallett

Andrew is a committed evangelist of the Linux Operating System and the concept of community and freedom that it provides. He has worked as a technical trainer since 1995 and has taught throughout the world, including Australia, the US, Germany and Eastern Europe. Andrew started teaching Linux in 2004 when Novell acquired SUSE and has been a long time supporter of Novell and provides SYSOP support the the Certifed Novell Instructor community on Linux. Andrew founded theurbanpenguin and has been submitting video training material to his YouTube channel since 2009 and currently has over 8,500 subscribers and 1.6 Million views. Andrew has had two publications with Packt: Citrix Access Gateway VPX Essentials (2012) and Citrix XenApp (2013).

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