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Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

by Michiel Mulders

Dive into the world of NFTs beyond digital art. This course will teach you how to leverage diverse protocols for innovative business models using NFTs.

What you'll learn

Explore blockchain ecosystems to find the right blockchain platform that offers the features you need to launch your project. In this course, Non-Fungible Tokens, you’ll learn about all the possible options to create NFTs. First, you’ll learn how NFTs work. Next, you’ll discover different NFT standards and why they matter for NFT creation, tooling, and management. Finally, you’ll dive into NFT operations to learn how to manage and sell your NFT. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions about creating NFTs and understand all the technical details of NFT creation and management.

Table of contents

Course Overview

About the author

Michiel Mulders, a seasoned Web3 developer advocate with over six years of blockchain technology experience, specializes in Node.js and Go as a software engineer. His journey includes roles at Hedera Hashgraph, Algorand Foundation, Lunie, Lisk, and BigchainDB. Additionally, he has shared his insights as a writer for platforms like Sitepoint, Honeypot, and Hackernoon. Leading Docu Agency, Michiel focuses on documentation strategy and metrics, advocating for 'Docs developers love' as a core princ... more

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