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Node.js and Express Foundations

This course will teach you the most common things you’ll need to know as you start working with Node.js and Express for backend web development.

Jon Friskics - Pluralsight course - Node.js and Express Foundations
by Jon Friskics

What you'll learn

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that can be used to write JavaScript code outside of a web browser for a variety of tasks. In this course, Node.js and Express Foundations, you’ll learn to use Node.js and Express to create a server that responds to browser requests. First, you’ll explore creating a server and how to work with requests and responses. Next, you’ll discover work with dynamic data and render HTML templates, as well as simple data persistence with cookies. Finally, you’ll learn how to handle errors, exceptions, and debug problems. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Node.js and Express needed to continue learning more advanced Node.js and Express development.

Table of contents

About the author

Jon Friskics - Pluralsight course - Node.js and Express Foundations
Jon Friskics

Jon is an author, developer, and Pluralsight team member via Code School. Lately, he's been working on content and products that help authors create content efficiently. Prior to that, he worked for several years on interactive learning at Code School, and later helped bring that to Pluralsight as Interactive Content.

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